Estimate The Value Of The Sydney Property Valuation

At this stage, a real estate agent or expert has enough information to make the most accurate and rigorous estimate of your property. To achieve this, this real estate market specialist will have to take into account several guidelines to frame his assessment.

As for the selling price of similar real estate , a consensus value will be estimated, based on the characteristics of your property and the selling prices of similar real estate. As a result, the real estate specialist will be able to establish an estimate of your property according to the current realities of the real estate market.

This stage is marked by the analysis of the real estate advertisements already issued and the determination of the ideal buyers or tenants for its asset. Then, based on the estimate made or received from the expert and depending on the circumstances of the sale, you must set the actual sale price of your property . However, it is recommended to offer prices below the psychological thresholds.

For example, for a property whose price according to the real estate valuation it would be better. This gives the advantage of putting the seller in a better position during the negotiations for the sale. In addition, such a strategy promotes a quick sale compared to goods of the same value.

Increasingly used by individuals, this method of real estate valuation via the internet is fast, free and available, from computers, tablets or smartphones. Said method is generally based on data from the lower demand for property values ​​(DVF) , real estate sales reports provided by notaries and a mathematical analysis of the evolution of real estate  sales.

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